Borland Online And The Cobb Group Present:

November, 1995 - Vol. 2 No. 11

Using Appexpert - Changing the AppExpert defaults

If you've used the Borland C++ AppExpert to automatically generate an ObjectWindows Library (OWL) application, you know how simple it can be to use the AppExpert dialog box to specify your application's characteristics, as shown in Figure A. However, if you use AppExpert very often, you'll find yourself setting several options to the same values for each new project.

Figure A - You use the AppExpert Application Generation Options dialog box to specify the characteristics of an AppExpert application.

You may not realize it, but you can specify the default values that AppExpert uses for many of its configuration options. In this article, we'll document some of the most useful option changes, and we'll show how you can apply them by creating EXPERT.INI, the initialization file for AppExpert.

Legends of default

You can preset several of AppExpert's default options by creating a simple initialization text file named EXPERT.INI. Since some of the AppExpert settings can be rather obscure, we'll focus on some of the more important options you can adjust from the INI file. (By the way, you can set all of the AppExpert default values or just a few. AppExpert will use its internal defaults for any setting you don't override.)

The most obvious AppExpert settings you can adjust pertain to the application itself. To adjust these options, you'll add the appropriate INI entries and values in a section of the EXPERT.INI file that's titled [Application]. Table A summarizes the [Application] section settings.

Table A: [Application] section settings
Option Setting Meaning
Window Model Model=1 MDI (Multiple Document Interface)
Model=2 SDI (Single Document Interface)
Model=3 Dialog Client
Document/View DocView=0 Off
DocView=1 On
Toolbar SpeedBar=0 Off
SpeedBar=1 On
Status Line StatusBar=0 Off
SpeedBar=1 On
Drag/Drop DragDrop=0 Off
DragDrop=1 On
Printing Printing=0 Off
Printing=1 On
Application Startup State Startup=1 Maximized
Startup=2 Minimized
Startup=3 Normal
Control Style Control=0 MS Control 3D
Control=1 Standard Windows
Control=2 Borland BWCCz

The next most useful INI section you can modify pertains to the text that appears on the Administrative Options page (a subtopic of the Application topic) of the AppExpert Application Generation Options dialog box. (This is the text that AppExpert will insert into a comment at the beginning of each of the project's files.) To adjust these options, you'll add the appropriate INI entries and values in a section that's titled [Annotation]. Table B displays sample [Annotation] section settings.

Table B: [Annotation] section settings
Option Setting
Version Number Version=3.5
Copyright Copyright=Copyright 1995 TySoft
Description Description=Playtime App
Author Author=George Baggs
Company Company=TySoft Systems, Inc.

The final INI file section we'll examine is the [CGenOptions] section. In this section, you can adjust how AppExpert generates code and whether it will display a detailed error file when you run AppExpert or Rescan (an AppExpert maintenance tool). Table C summarizes the [CGenOptions] section settings. (Note: You can't adjust these settings from the AppExpert Application Generation Options dialog box.)

Table C: [CGenOptions] section settings
Option Setting Meaning
Exception- Handling Exception=FALSE
Generate Make File MAK=0
Dump AppExpert error messages to a file Dump=0

These three INI file sections cover most of AppExpert's features and options. Now let's create a simple example that shows how easily you can change the AppExpert default settings for the author's name and other annotation settings.

Author! Author!

Begin by launching Borland C++ version 4.0 or higher. When the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) main window appears, choose Open from the File menu, enter \WINDOWS\EXPERT.INI in the File Name entry field, and click OK.

When the new editing window appears, enter the following information:

Author=Mr. Math
Company=New Additions
Description=Pi Chart App

You'll notice that you're not entering a value for the Copyright setting. As we mentioned earlier, if you don't specify a new setting for one of the AppExpert defaults, AppExpert will supply its own.

When you've finished entering the new [Annotation] section, choose Save from the File menu. Then, choose AppExpert from the Project menu.

When the New AppExpert Project dialog box appears, enter the name \TEST\XPRT.IDE in the File Name entry field and click OK. When the AppExpert Application Generation Options dialog box appears, click the plus (+) icon next to the Application topic, and then select the sub-topic Admin Options. On the Administrative Options page of this dialog box, you'll see the new default values, as shown in Figure B.

Figure B - You can use the EXPERT.INI file to preset various AppExpert default values.

You'll notice that the Copyright entry field contains the standard default text string that normally appears, since you didn't change its value in the EXPERT.INI file. Similarly, you'll notice that the order of our new settings in the EXPERT.INI file didn't make any difference. (That's standard INI file behavior.)


AppExpert can streamline much of your C++ Windows development cycle. By using the technique we've shown here to customize the AppExpert defaults, you can save time you'd normally spend modifying basic settings.

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